Thursday, December 29, 2011


siapalah aku di sisi Mu, ALLAH.
ampuni daku sering bersalah.
beriku cinta tiada berbelah.
hidup mati fi sabilillah.

Kau akan berhasil dalam setiap pelajaran

i am delighted sebab jumpa byk quote Pramoedya Ananta Toer
ada satu dari nya yang saya tulis besar2 dan tampal sedari sy sekolah lg.
begitu menginspirasikan.

“Kau akan berhasil dalam setiap pelajaran, dan kau harus percaya akan berhasil, dan berhasillah kau; anggap semua pelajaran mudah, dan semua akan jadi mudah; jangan takut pada pelajaran apa pun, karena ketakutan itu sendiri kebodohan awal yang akan membodohkan semua”
Pramoedya Ananta Toer

berbanding novel sidney sheldon, saya percaya buku2 hasil beliau lebih kuat karakter nya kerana dia berjuang untuk hidup.
hari ini saya bercita- cita untuk membaca semua buku2 tulisan mereka.
cita- cita

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Pertolongan dari Allah & Kemenangan yang dekat

final exam final year semester 1: keep moving on!

Dan ada lagi limpah kurnia yang kamu sukai,
iaitu pertolongan dari Allah dan kemenangan yang cepat (masa berlakunya).
Dan sampaikanlah berita yang mengembirakan itu kepada orang-orang yang beriman.

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Alhamdulillah. The final week is over.

Monday quiz PT

Tuesday drown in depression

Wednesday Case presentation

Thursday Poster presentation

Friday quiz DD

It was a really depressive Tuesday when the quiz result is out. I feel like dying. And as the next day we are having presentation of the same subject, i really dont have any motivation to gear up.

We have two case presentations on Wednesday. 8 o’clock in the morning and 3.30 pm in the evening. The case presentation is scary. And i am motivation-less. At the early morning, I was sitting and thinking and lamenting.. Ya ALLAH, bahagimana lah hari ini, aku x mampu..

With ALLAH’s Grace, something crosses my mind. Ummi had once told me..dalam surah Maryam, nabi Zakaria tak pernah berputus asa berdoa pada Tuhan.

"Wahai Tuhanku! Sesungguhnya telah lemahlah tulang-tulangku, dan telah putih melepaklah uban kepalaku dan aku - wahai Tuhanku - tidak pernah merasa hampa dengan doa permohonanku kepadaMu. (surah Maryam ayat 4)

Nabi tahu dia seorang lelaki yang telah tua, dan isteri baginda mandul. Tapi dalam doa permohonannya supaya dikurniakan anak, Nabi zakaria berkata..sehingga telah menjadi lemah tulang- tulang nya dan telah habis beruban seluruh rambutnya, namun baginda TIDAK PERNAH BERPUTUS ASA BERDOA.





Saya berasa terpukul. Apa yang aku keluh kesahkan ini, apa yang aku takutkan ini. Apakah tidak ada jalan keluar????

Tidak ada apa yang mustahil, TUHAN masih memakbulkan permintaan Nabi Zakaria kan walaupun ia mustahil?

Menghayati semangat Nabi Zakaria yang tidak pernah berputus asa


Saya berdoa..YA ALLAH, Mudahkan lah urusan hari ini. Amen, amen, amen, amen, YA ALLAH.

Selesai presentation kami yg pertama. The case of Myocardial Infarction. Tanpa disangka2 lecturer bertanya dengan deras dari belakang who prepare this slide???

I was really shocked but the next word that he said is a GREAT BLESSING FROM ALLAH

You guys has a very good presentation.

You provide evidence and justify the use for each and every medication

PCI-CURE study for Apirin and Clopidogrel

GISSI-3 study for Statin

OASIS-5 study for Fondaparinux.

And you guys have the courage to suggest thing that are not in the guideline such as laxatives for post infarction patient.

Very good.

SUBHANALLAH. I am terribly shocked.

At the end of the morning session he said, all the groups presentation are good but none can beat the first group presentation.

SUBHANNALAH. Being said so by such a respected and knowledgeable lecturer is thing that i never dream about.

For the evening session, at the end of the presentation of lupus nephritis case, he said i was about to say if there is another group that can beat the presentation from the very first group this morning is your group but it happen that you are from the same group!


This is another shocking thing.

I am extremely happy. 360⁰ totally different from what I felt yesterday.

I remembered:

When I was in 3rd year I remembered once when we present case Obstructive Jaundice 2⁰ Cholelithiasis and Choledocolithiasis. At the end of the presentation, Dr Z said this group, WELL DONE! Recognition from such honourable and great lecturer adalah kenangan terindah sepanjang hidup!!!


I wonder, what make both of this group able to get this?

The answer is willingness to meet the lecturers and ask them for guidance. For both teams, my group mates are very eager and passion to meet the lecturer and ask their guidance.

And of course, what I learn that day, jangan berputus asa dari rahmat ALLAH.

dan aku - wahai Tuhanku - tidak pernah merasa hampa dengan doa permohonanku kepadaMu. (surah Maryam ayat 4)

Subhanallah. Terima kasih Madam Azrin, Brother Hafiz dan Dr. Zainol atas bimbingan, tunjuk ajar, kami amat mengagumi kalian. Mohon Maaf atas segala salah silap. Semoga kita semua berjaya dengan lebih cemerlang di masa mendatang. Amen. Amen.

Thanks a lot to both my team mates. you make me learn a lot. alhamdulillah =)

Monday, December 19, 2011


God..i need nothing but STRENGTH

Saturday, December 17, 2011

to live happily, to live humbly

I finished reading 3 Sidney Sheldon novels in a week. An act symbolize revenge rather than obsession. Hehe.

It’s a hectic week,

We have a lot of quizes,

A lot to be studied,

Tough questions,

And a very disappointing mark.

Then it comes the AGM, it was a relief to be freed from any post. TP BEKERJA UNTUK ISLAM TAK AKAN PERNAH BERAKHIR.

Next week is a final week,

2 quizzes to go,

An assignment to be submitted and

2 presentations left.

Then final exam is coming, Ya ALLAH, make it easy for me and all my friends, hope we all pass the exam and graduate together insya ALLAH.

I miss my family. Hope everything is fine at home. =)

My husband’s exam in next week. Ya ALLAH, grant us success.

Give us strength to face tomorrow, to live happily, to live humbly.