bismillahi nabda'
I plan to do something with my research The Role of CYP2C9 Gene Polymorphism in Pharmacogenetic Practise but end up writing something here.~
My preceptor dah tanya. hajar,how's everything doing? ya,ya fine. i'll submit by next week (apa pun blom buat lagi..) motivation needed.
Currently My blog seems to be personal experience documentation of a pharmacy
Last friday, we went for industrial visit at KL. stay overnight at IIUM gombak. went to UPM serdang, and CCM pharmaceutical manufacturing company in Bangi. the visit is great. i honestly schocked mula2 masuk kilang CCM. alah, kenapa sebijik mcm pilot plan (pilot plan adalah kilang di bangunan Kuliyyah of Pharmacy). sebijik cuma besar dan berfungsi ;p..tentulah sama sebab tu requirement good manufacturing procedure (GMP). kilang bersih dan teratur. i plan to jump into industrial field once i complete my compulsory service. yeay!
next thursday is our very first time going to hospital for attachment. clinical pharmacy mcm sgt menakutkan. terlalu sering bermonolog sendirian..napelah aku wat pharmacy yg susah ni?huhu
the post entitle walk the talk because our lecturer told us it time to see and have a walk to such places which we always talk to u about.
Ramadhan is coming by next week. Alhamdulillah. Ahlan2 ya Ramadhan.
Have a bless Ramadhan everyone=)
May He accept our ibadah and Ramadhan brings nothing but closer to Him. insya ALLAH.
Ramadhan kareem=)