ACEH..21 MARET 2008 – 30 MARET 2008
Going to Aceh had become unforgetfull and everlasting memories in my mind and heart. I miss all those times with all the orphan kids. I miss all those hard time that I had to face to explain them about the game we want to play. I miss the sightseeing view of Janthoe and the fresh air that I breathe every morning at Islamic Solidarity School (ISS)..except for the lake..that place resembles Darul Quran so much (^_^). Being with all the kids, they really touch my heart, last Friday when all of us are about to left them..one little girl come and ask me.. “kakak, kapan kita kan ketemu lagi?”.. sad, unable to answer it..i just smile. Within me..i pray hard and wish that I will come here again one day.
Perjalanan jauh ini, saya menemui anak- anak yang hebat, kuat dan tabah. Dalam usia semuda ini, mereka menempuh tentangan hidup yang cukup dasyat. Kehilangan ibu bapa dalam tragedy tsunami.. “saya sudah ngak punya ibu ayah kerana tsunami kelmarin”..saya menangis lagi..anak- anak Naggroe Aceh Darussalam..terima kasih kerana mengajar erti sebuah kehidupan..
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